Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


Posted by ida ayu putu oka sulaksmyati 00.08, under | No comments

Textbook is one of learning material that can be used to support teaching learning activities. It is as guidance when conducting lesson, affect students attitudes and performance to the lesson throughout the course, important source to communicate in Target Language, and provide the necessary input into classroom lessons through different activities, readings and explanations. There are so many advantages in using textbook as one of learning material, such as: They provide structure and a syllabus for a program, they provide a variety of learning resources, they are efficient, they can provide effective language models and input, and they can train teachers. Beside it, there also the limitation of the use of textbook, as follows: They may contain inauthentic language, they may not reflect students’ need, they can deskill teachers, and they are expensive.
Link to the world for 10th grade of senior high school is one of English textbook that is use in the teaching learning activities. According to the layout and design it is an effective textbook. It includes a detailed overview of the functions, and structures that will be taught in each unit. It can be seen clearly in the contents map where topic of the lesson, genre of the text that will be used, skill that will be enriched, and grammar that is used in the chapter are take place. It really help the students to know what things that will be studied by them each chapter. The layout and design is appropriate and clear. Each chapter is divided into two cycles, oral and written cycle and each chapter is designed well. In the second page of each chapter, there placed mind map to open students’ mind of what is going to be studied in the chapter; in addition, each cycle whether oral and written cycle has been arranged clearly. In oral cycle, the first skill that is developed is listening skill as receptive skill and then speaking skill as productive skill. In written cycle, the first skill that is developed is reading skill as receptive skill and then writing skill as productive skill. As the textbook is organized effectively, students will also study effectively. Unfortunately, in this textbook an adequate vocabulary list or glossary isn’t included so the students maybe find difficulties in finding difficult words that they find during studying with this textbook. Adequate evaluation quizzes or testing suggestions, review sections and exercises are also included in this textbook. It is very useful in order to review students’ knowledge after studying using this textbook by integrating skill that they have learned before and there also exercise to measure their knowledge of grammar that has been studied before. The teacher's book which contains guidance about how the textbook can be used to the utmost advantage is not exist. In addition, the materials objectives are apparent to both the teacher and student but mostly for the students.
According to the activities Link to the world for 10th grade of senior high school is an effective textbook. The textbook provides a balance of activities. Activities in oral cycle which is divided into listening and speaking activities and activities in written cycle which is divided into reading and writing are balance constructed so there is no domination of one skill. The activities in this textbook are encourage sufficient communicative and meaningful practice because activities inside this book are near with students’ daily life so they can feel that they involve in the activities directly. In this textbook the activities incorporate individual pair and group work. Those activities can measure students’ ability in individual pair or group. The activities promote creative original and independent responses enough. Although most of the activities are ask students to perform a dialog or read aloud the passage that has been prepared by the author but in the unit review students’ creative original and independent responses are promoted by answering questions based on the instruction given whether in individual pair or group work. The textbook's activities can be modified or supplemented easily in order to make the learning activities more interesting and near with the students’ daily activities but should be related with the material which is taught.
According to the skills, Link to the world for 10th grade of senior high school is an effective textbook. The materials include and focus on the skills that students need to practice. In this textbook the skills that should be mastered by the students are divided into two, the first one is oral cycles which include listening and speaking and the second one is written cycles which include reading and writing and the material inside each cycle are useful and near with students’ daily life. The materials provide an appropriate balance of the four language skills. The textbook pays attention to sub-skills, that is, listening for gist, note-taking, skimming for information etc. The textbook also highlights and practices natural pronunciation (that is, stress and intonation).
According to the language type, Link to the world for 10th grade of senior high school is an effective textbook. The language used in the textbook is authentic, that is, like real-life English. It means that language that is used (In this case English) is commonly use and don’t make the students confuse when they study use this textbook. The language used is at the right level for students' current English ability. As it is used by 10th grade of senior high school the level of language that is used is in intermediate level. The progression of grammar points and vocabulary items is appropriate. From the first chapter to the last chapter, grammar points and vocabulary items have a significant progression from the simple one to the complex one related on the material. In this textbook, the grammar points are also presented with brief and easy examples and explanations. It will make the students easy to understand the material.
According to the subject and content, Link to the world for 10th grade of senior high school is an effective textbook. The subject and content of the textbook is relevant to students' needs as an English language learner(s) so they can apply what they have learned from this textbook to their real life. The subject and content of the textbook is generally realistic but sometime the content is unreal for example in reading passage which genre is narrative and in a dialog. The subject and content of the textbook is interesting enough in which it contains interesting topic in each chapter and supported by useful skills and grammar focus. Unfortunately, this textbook is not too challenging because there is little activities which can’t challenge the students and use all of their creativities. It also motivating enough to the students because can arouse their willingness to study by the interesting and useful material also fun activities. There is sufficient variety in the subject and content of the textbook. In addition, the materials are not culturally biased and they do not portray any negative stereotypes.
To summarize, according to the whole aspect, Link to the world for 10th grade of senior high school is an effective textbook. The textbook raises students’ interest in further English language study because it provides interesting material that is useful in their daily life. It is one of the nice textbook that can be choose as guidance in studying English especially for 10th grade of senior high school.

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